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In the manufacturing industry, dry, immobile nitrogen is frequently needed for a variety of applications. Food packagers need it to extend their product’s shelf life, and chemical engineers need high-quality, unoxidized polymers to ensure total safety. Plant managers strive for processes with consistency, reliability and at the lowest cost for business.

Pressure swing adsorption (PSA) nitrogen generators bring many desired benefits that fit the needs of manufacturers, including preventing gas supply interruptions, purity requirements, over-flow prevention, energy-saving and snowstorm filling. In a recent blog post, Parker reveals its new line of NITROSource PSA nitrogen generators with many unique features for nitrogen applications. Some of these features include:

  • Mass flow controller: When demand suddenly exceeds what the design allows for, the mass flow controller will prevent any overflow conditions.
  • Internal oxygen analyzer: Monitors the quality of gas, resulting in consistency, compliance, traceability and products free from spoilage.
  • Energy-saving features: The economy control feature uses an accurate pressure transducer that reverts the generator to standby when no gas is being used. The energy-saving technology constantly monitors the generator’s performance and adjusts the cycle time to match with demands. These features save money and extra wear on equipment.
  • Snowstorm filling: Provides assurance that the flow, pressure and purity of the generator are consistent throughout its life cycle.

PSA nitrogen generators, like Parkers NITROSource, are sweeping the industry, saving money and resources for a variety of applications. Manufacturers should consider adopting PSA nitrogen generators as an integral piece to operations.

Read the full article here.


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